Thought Leadership

Raising Insitutional Investment Standards


Determine ESG Objectives

Charting the Course: Defining Your ESG Objectives as the Foundation of an Effective Framework

ESG, as non-financial factors and characteristics that can drive long-term value creation,
has been a longstanding consideration for many allocators, with a growing number either integrating or expressing interest in integrating ESG into their investment strategies. As the importance of ESG continues to grow, there’s an increasing imperative to be specific about ESG approaches. Depending on your stakeholders, there may also be an escalating demand for transparency and tangible results. The key to meeting these demands lies in establishing clear and measurable ESG objectives.

ODD for Development Mandates

Multi-Allocator ODD is the Way Forward for DFIs

Multi-Allocator ODD creates synergies for allocators, especially for DFIs with developmental mandates. From ORC's experience, multi-allocator ODD can revolutionise the ODD process for allocators and managers alike. Read ORC's latest thought piece to find out more about the benefits of multi-allocator ODD.

The Importance of Ongoing Monitoring for Institutional Allocators

The Role of Sophisticated Automation in Monitoring

Handing over investment management responsibility to a fund manager or group of managers doesn’t mean allocators can sit back and let the managers take care of everything. Regular ongoing monitoring of these investments is crucial to ensure managers meet investment objectives, stick to mandates and that allocators can spot potential issues early on.

Drawing on our extensive experience, ORC actively raises institutional investment standards. We achieve this through our partnership approach and by authoring thought leadership pieces to educate the financial services industry.

ORC & State Street’s White Paper Series – Managing Risk, Leveraging Technology and Building Resilience for the World’s Official Institutions.